
Showing posts from June, 2015

Collapsible Widgets

Small Feature, Excellent Idea Collapsible Widgets are a simple feature that can easily make a site or application exciting. It could just be the simple thing that adds that wow effect to your project. You can hardly find any of my work where this isn't implemented. All these projects; , , and many others proudly fly the banners of this wonderful feature. Collapsible widgets also provide an avenue for front-end flexibility and space management Implementation I won't bore you with any more rants, lets get down to how you can get this implemented. First you add two html elements, an header and a div  like we have below <div class="panel"> <header class="panel-heading"> Widget Header Text </header> <div class="panel-body"> </div> </div> In order to make things a little more exciting, you may also want to include the following...

Get Creative With Data Tables: Row Click Events

Introduction Datatables from are so lovely, especially with the responsive extension that you can enable by including dataTables.responsive.js in your project. I particularly find fascinating the combination of search / filtering, pagination, ordering and exporting features which are available right 'out-of-the-box'. Issue Well, as great as datatables are, you will find it difficult if not impossible to develop a system with acceptable user-experience using bare-bone datatables implementation. In my own case, because I was porting my superb Asset and Inventory Management Application found at to the mobile platforms using PhoneGap, I needed the user to be able to tap on any record in order to perform some pre-define operations like editing, approvals etc. Solution Apparently, the solution isn't far fetched. The sample code below would do the job nicely: // HTMLTableData is your array of records to be displayed in the data table ... Asset / Inventory Management Project

I have found out through my own experiences and that of others, how difficult it is to get ‘sincere’ applause at the end of demo of any beta version software. Yes, you would always get some form of applause, but rarely the ‘sincere’ ones. Software demo for new products in my organization usually has in attendance several employees from different units and departments. Many attend on the basis of obligation while others are just too busy in their heads to give the session the attention it would require in order to appreciate the product being presented. I had to send out reminders to get invitees to leave their seats for the demo of a new product my team just developed. It’s a team of 2, and while I worked at the Front-end with design, branding and development along with the accompanying Mobile App, my partner was in charge of the web services and SQL Server database development. We would be anchoring the demo together, and I was to start the session. We were to receive an ap...