AngularJs Partial Page Controller Code not Executing

So I setup my new web application. I'm developing a web app for Hostel Room reservation and allocation. At my frontend, I'm using a bootstrap framework powered by AngularJs. Hmm! I so much love AngularJs with the ease of use it helps me to present end users of my apps.

The Issue
I setup a controller for most of my partial pages, however, for one of the pages (clients.html) whose controller (clientCt) is in clients.js, the script doesnt run if I navigate to the page using a link. However, if I reload the entire page while on this partial page, the script would run.

I found out that statements in document ready were the ones not getting executed. So, please guys, for your controller Javascript, steer clear of that ever useful document ready block:

The Document Ready block

I simply moved my page initialization codes outside the document ready block and pronto! Everything goes back to normal


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